One thing that surprised me - and perhaps it shouldn’t simply because Outlander has always been full of this - was that there were so many small moments of humor in this episode, despite the obvious dire situation Claire and Jamie are in (but really, when aren’t they lol). Caitriona’s micro-expressions really made it for me. I feel this bit was extremely effectively done. I can tell you that the audience gasped because of it. The opening scene was SHOCKING and used something that I thought was really clever and really rude all at the same time lol. No time jump or anything, which I was really glad for. ~~~POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOR OUTLANDER 7x01 BELOW~~~ ~~~SERIOUSLY, DON’T ME THAT I DIDN’T WARN YOU~~~Īs Caitriona + Sam have mentioned previously in interviews, 7x01 picks up right where 6x08 left off. I know you said you don’t mind them, but I will try my very best to not include any spoilers in it as I know it really does ruin it for some. I remember when I was in primary school, the hole in the ozone layer was all the brainwashing rave.Anon #2, yes of course I’ll write up a summary of my thoughts. Again I wouldn't expect anything different from SC but it is frustrating that they actually believe that the planet is in an 'emergency' due to farting cows. The climate change alarmism is very much a leftist woke ideology. I don't expect her to put her life in danger. Just like what happened to Isaac Kappy, Anne Heche etc. Anyone that calls out paedophilia in Hollyood either gets called a conspiracy theorist (best way to deflect and discredit someone) or they wind up dead and die of 'suicide' or an 'accident'.

I think actors that do are ostracised and never get work in the industry again unless of course you are a huge name and have some clout. She doesn't want to touch that topic with a ten foot pole. I understand to a degree why Cait zipped her mouth about Balenciaga and the paedophilia.